Mar 21, 2006

One Is Silver And The Other Is Gold.

I ordered one the second I saw it. After falling in absolute love with this post (containing a picture of a similar necklace) on Posie Gets Cozy, I rushed over to Lindsey’s site and bought the first one I saw. My heart fell on the floor (which was very messy) and I used all my “goodie” money right then and there, no regrets. Except one small and weird one. This necklace is perfect in every way shape and form. I prefer to wear silver. However, somehow I fell in love with the gold color of the necklace in Posies picture. I asked Lindsey if she was planning to make any more in gold and she told me a secret. The necklace that Alicia received was also silver, it was simply a difference of the photograph’s lighting. Here is where my dilemma begins. She said she could make it in the gold I desired.

Speaking of precious things... this is part of a comment from that I received from Janet to my “At the Dawn of Creation” post and I wanted to share it with everyone:

“I'm a new blogger, and I know exactly how you feel about the creative community. I always thought I had good ideas until I got involved with blogs! Then I started seeing everyone else's work and thought mine was not up to par. Only recently have I decided to just do what I like and stop worrying whether it's as good as, or on the same level with, get the picture. Afterall, isn't creating an expression of one's to put limitations or restrictions on my creativity is like putting them on who I am. I know that a lot of my things aren't what other people like but as long as I like creating them that's what matters to me. “

This endearing and insightful comment made me realize, that having other people like your work is great, but loving your own work ... well baby, that’s gold!!

*All of your sweet comments were saved to Haloscan at the time of original post*

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