Aug 29, 2006

Beautiful Mrs. Dawbis.

Hello again delightful people! I have some truly lovely things to share with you and I thought I would do so in chronological order. With that in mind, allow me to present to you, this beautiful postcard from this beautiful girl.


It is the most incredible post card that I have ever seen. It arrived in such good condition that you would think the usps stamped it and then delivered it on a soft silk-covered down pillow. I love it in every way, shape and form. The only thing that I could cherish more than this card is the friend that it came from!
Hugs to you all and thanks for letting me share! Thank you again Mrs. Dawbis! xox=vv.


Kuky said...

That's sweet. I love the little wings and then the way the other girl is flapping her arms.

Charmaine said...

Wow, that is so beautiful. Is that all made out of collaged materials?

Natascha Rosenberg said...

Oh! A Dawbis postcard! It's beautiful! You're a lucky girl!

thebutterflycollector said...

it's gorgeous! must go visit where it came from!

Erin Lang Norris said...

wow! how lucky you are! i wish the usps would have taken care of my wedding rsvp postcards with that much care- i cant believe that dawbis card made it through the mail!!!