Aug 19, 2006

Well, It's A Start At Least.

Okay, the blogger settings have been edited. Yay! Now, we have to work on making this a little bit prettier and adding the other pages.

If you are here via bloglines or seeing this via bloglines then yippee! I have finally moved the site feed over to this new atom.xml and I have claimed both of these feeds (something I could not do with iweb or golive). This is a part of the reason why I finally made the choice to move back to blogger. I want consistency, but the software that I originally started with did not really provide that.

Hopefully, cute buttons will be back today and then a new shop (sans Etsy)! I will get the links set up to all of you lovely people and the other pages reconstructed. Later I will rebuild the older posts and hopefully we will be settling in this new blog home.

I have some new little paintings to show you and my right arm/hand are feeling much better now so I can spend some quality time on the computer. Yay and Yay!

Hugs to all of you delightful people and welcome to our new space! xox=vv.


kirsty said...

Yay! I'm here via bloglines, so it IS working! Lookin' good :)

lisa s said...

hello hello....

new paintings?? well that is definitely worth the wait!

carolyn said...

I got here via bloglines too, it's working..

I owe you an e-mail miss C, so sorry!

Kuky said...

Yep I'm here through bloglines.

I keep saying I'd like to try the sampler but keep forgetting. And what a cute weeble wobble. :)

christine ann haynes said...

Oh yay! Thank you all so very very much for helping me figure this whole blog/rss/atom thing out.

Dear Kirsty - Thank you! What a wonderful first post in this new space!

Lovely Lisa - You are just such a sweetie. I am not sure the paintings are really worth the wait but I am awfully glad that you might be waiting with me!!

Oooh Delightful Carolyn - Thank you and don't worry about that e-mail. I still can not believe how long it took me to get back to you in the first place. You should make me wait quite a bit longer, but I will look forward to it all the same *smile*

Oh Cutie Miss Kuky - Thank you! The Sampler is a lot of fun. It is definitely worth trying out.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day!! xox=vv.