Feb 26, 2007

Oh Yes. There Have Been Many Projects This Month.

Have I shared them with my favorite lovelies yet? No. I am a naughty naughty blogger. I will try to add a few of them to the monthly update. In the meantime, I apologize.

I am sharing this with you though. You may or may not remember my painting for my grandfather last year. Well, this is technically it's companion piece as it is a birthday painting for my grandmother. They are similar in their sparse design, but not in their themes.

You may feel free to laugh at it heartily. All I ask is that you try not to laugh so so loudly that I can hear you all the way over here in Washington. Thank you lovelies. Hugs. xox=vv.


lisa s said...

christine - i LOVE it. really.

thank you for the v-day card and my very own stickers... dare i give them to people?

did my box arrive????

risa said...

i love this! it is gorgeous. just gorgeous.

Dawn said...

you're so silly christine! now, show us some more! hehe :)

lyn said...

Laugh at it ???
Are you crazy ???
I LOVE it, I think it's really beautiful.

Kuky said...

No laughing here!! Yes show us more, more!

Cally said...

Oh my god Christine, that is utterly utterly beautiful!

Times like this I get frustrated that I'm not a wordy person as I would love to express how totally gorgeous and wonderful I think it is, but all I can do is use the same old words I use when I get a nice piece of cake.

This painting is so much more beautiful than cake. What size is it? Tiny and cute, big and bold, medium and marvelous?

Please do more!

In fact, could I blog it? Or is it too personal for that. I'd totally get if you wanted to keep it just here. xxx

carolyn said...

of course I remember your painting for yor Granfather, it's the one with the adorable wheel barrel?

I really love this...gorgeous
Lucky Grandma :)

Thanks for your sweet comments the other day miss! I'm so happy to see you're coloring books are doing so well!!!!

kristin said...

I love it. I have a thing for pictures and paintings of chandeliers for some reason.