Jun 11, 2007

Simple Acts Of Green.

 Oh hello lovelies! I am very excited to tell you about a wonderful new project that I am so terribly pleased to be a part of. Miss Dawbis (that delightful girl) has started a new blog called Simple Acts of Green.

To quote her very well (per usual) written introduction "[Simple Acts of Green is] a blog dedicated to sharing the stories and lives of people who are making a difference to preserve our planet, one small step at a time."

We (Dawn, Laura, Jeska, Diane and I) would love it if you would stop by, say hello, and share a story with us. These girls are incredible and I would certainly recommend dropping in, if only to read their bios.

I hope you will stick around for more though and check in often for new articles and interviews. See you there! Hugs. xox=vv.

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