This is one of the posters in our collection of Jason Munn Screenprints. I fell in love with
The Small Stakes a couple years ago and introduced Simon to his work this September at
Bumbershoot's Flatstock. We picked these out and had ten of them wrapped up a few minutes after we found his booth. We tried to restrain ourselves since we only have 500 square feet of wall space. I think we did pretty well. What do you think? Hugs. xox=vv.
So lovely and simple.
These prints are so beautiful, love them!
oh yes... i bought that decemberists one and framed it for a client - lovely.
how are you????
that feist poster rocks!
oh cooool! i love them all! how have you been? :)
psst, im in seattle now.. lalala... wink.
they are ACE!
i got your mail, thank as always. it came the day i was packing for my trip so was read hurredly and then tidied away with many other things that i've been trying to find since i got back (like my house keys! - thank god Mr P had spares). i was touched by what you wrote and would like to respond in real pen and paper writing if i ever get remotely organised...but you know me! still wrestling with my CFS, especially after the trip (flights from hell on return).
i was getting such migraines that i chopped 1/3 of my hair off yesaterday... feels much lighter now :0)
hugs to you and your creatures xox
I was instantly taken by these posters so I went to the site and there amongst his other posters was the same poster that hangs in my co-workers cubicle that I've been admiring for months.
His designs are amazing and each one is so different yet they all kind of have the same feel to them. I'm smitten.
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