Sep 30, 2006

Most Adorable Thing Ever!

I am still working on it. The positioning was lovely and happy and then I noticed that the height of the browser was making some of the pages jump position. Lovely Lisa tried to help me but I think I am not properly grasping the very logical things that she is trying to tell me. I rebuilt all the pages using the same template (did that last time too, but now I used the blog template) and they all look the same 90% of the time. Oh well, I know this is boring.

To take your minds off this overwhelmingly uninteresting post, I want to show you the most adorable thing ever. This is a post about the very first words of beautiful, beautiful Isabelle over at sweet and lovely Miss Kuky's. Matilda was there and you must see the outfits! The whole house is filled with the cutest inhabitants and this is just a little bit of extra proof. Well, good night and hugs. More work tomorrow, xox=vv.


Hi sweeties! I am working on the site today. Things might look funny or they might have funny links or they might just seem funny all together. My current goal is to work on this site non-stop until I can finally check it off my to-do list . My current estimate of the amount of time it will take to get everything working? A couple days.

Right now my biggest annoyance/problem is the positioning of the body and title bar of the blogger template vs. the rest of the site. I want all the pages to look like the blog. Currently if you flip through all the site pages the main sections move back and forth and up and down a bit. It makes me frown. If you have any ideas or if you can see where I have gone wrong, I would love, love, love to know. Hugs!! xox=vv.

Sep 29, 2006


Okay lovelies, I was saving these for a rainy day when I have nothing to post about. I guess that is today. Each one is a gem, an absolute gem! I would have shown them to you individually, but I think you should have all the evidence of the complete fabulous-ness that is Regina Spektor.

I promise that good things are coming soon (hopefully tomorrow). I have some new drawings to show you which will be quite different from the ones that I have shown you before *eek*. Well, have a wonderful night everyone! Hugs! xox=vv.

Sep 28, 2006

Check It Out.

Ooh hello everybody! I hope that all of you delightful people are having a delightful day!

Well, we had an okay day. There was some annoying medical red tape with some prescreption renewals and we had to take our sweet, lovable, grumpy old one-eyed cat to the vets due to some continued stomach problems. So that was not very fun.

I do have some fun news coming soon though! Yay!

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about some of the 29 library books that we currently have checked out from the library. We also have 13 on hold. Did I mention that we are book junkies? *smile*

Well, there is 21 more library books around the house, but I will spare you the details. Oh I did however check out Blink. Thanks again for all of the book reviews! Hugs! xox=vv.

The Science Of Sleep.

Hello wonderful, beautiful people. Well, The Science of Sleep was fabulous (trailer below). We saw a late showing at The Egyptian after a lovely, long dinner. This movie really struck a cord with me because I don't sleep well and my dreams cause a lot of emotional turmoil. I have always suffered from extremely, extremely vivid dreams. Ah well, I am tired (and well prepared for dreamland) tonight that is for sure!

I know. I know. I have become a YouTube junkie. I can not help it, I love showing you videos. I hope you all had a wonderful day! Oooh and I hope the sweet Mrs.Dawbis had an expecially wonderful birthday!!! Hugs to you all and sleep tight. xox=vv.

Sep 25, 2006

Death Cab For Cutie.

Hi Lovelies, I want to share another cute video with you. This is Death Cab for Cutie with "Your Heart Is an Empty Room" from Plans/Directions. It was directed by Jeffrey Brown and animated by Eliza Kinkz. I hope you enjoy it!

I am trying to catch up with all of your sweet comments, until then please know how extremely appreciative I am. Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts and kind words with me!

Tomorrow, I am off to Bellevue with Him. I am hoping to shop a little, have a nice dinner out and see The Science of Sleep. Wish me luck *smile* Hugs! xox=vv.

September in Review.

Hello Lovelies. I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend! Not only did we have a very nice weekend, we also had a wonderful month. This is a little photo tour of this month in reverse. I hope you like it.
This weekend we went to the Seattle Central Library. Totally inspired by Blair and her visit. The whole place is like photographic candy and I could have spent ages there taking pictures of every stack of books and every architectural detail.

For some reason, I really liked this hall which said "bio" "bio" "bio." I also thought He looked really cute with his little tennis shoes walking down the hall. I may be very strange.


A couple of weeks ago He celebrated his birthday. We had a nice dinner, saw Little Miss Sunshine and met Bill Gates in the empty movie theatre after the show. Oh yeah, and there are His shoes again.

Earlier that day I went to the Bellevue Art Museum. They do not allow cameras inside the museum, so I took these pictures near the museum.


The week before that, my Moms visited and we went to Bumbershoot for my birthday. The second night of the festival we saw Jose Gonzales in concert. The courtyard location was rich with atmosphere. The trees had knitted sweaters and were beautifully lit.

Also on the second day we scoped out the Frye Gallery and saw these lovely and interesting exhibits. On the first day we saw the Rat City Rollergirls at their Derby Invitational.

So there you have it, our month in review. I hope you don't mind the picture heavy post. I wish that you could have all been here to share it with us. Maybe next month? *smile* Have a wonderful week dear ones! xox=vv.

Sep 20, 2006


I have a good amount of things to share with you, soon I hope. In the meantime, I wanted to share this super cute video with you. This is Regina Spektor with "Fidelity."

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! xox=vv.

Sep 14, 2006


I feel like a zombie this week.

Well, maybe not a zombie because they have a tendancy to walk around moaning, searching for brains to snack on and seriously that sounds like way to much work! I have had an average of 11 hours of sleep each night and all I feel like doing durring the day is napping. It may because the mister has gone into the office this week and I miss him. I don't know.

Per usual, I am still behind. I did however get one thing done, my very first Gocco print. I tried not to overly invest in this print because I knew there were a hundred and fifty ways for me to screw it up *smile* Hugs to you. xox=vv.

You can see my first gocco print here.

Sep 11, 2006


Thank you all so very much for your sweet and thoughtful birthday wishes! As I said, I have not ever really feared my 30's so those feelings were very new to me. After all of your kind encouragement however, I think those feelings are long gone. Now, I can not wait to be a part of the club! It has an awfully impressive list of members *smile*

Magpie Molly & The Squirrel

So, wanna hear about my birthday presents? Oh goodie!
Let me start with the most incredible and perfect surprise ever! I awoke Tuesday morning to find an e-mail from Flickr in my inbox. It ever so sweetly stated that this beautiful girl gave me a Flickr Pro Account to lavish in for the whole year! I wept with delight! It was so absolutely incredibly thoughtful! Miss Kuky is amazing, sweet, kind, generous and possibly psychic. She was not even aware of the following things:
1. I have bugged my husband for a Flickr Pro Account for weeks now.

2. Monday night I decided to use some birthday clout to properly beg for a Pro Account, but fell asleep before I could take advantage of the opportunity thus nullifying said "Birthday Clout."

3. I am an absolute camera junkie and was seriously considering a Polaroid Spectra from Lomographic Society International as a possible use for my "Birthday Bucks".

4. My sweet bird-loving husband who is also a camera junkie, was considering a new Sony H5 or Nikon 8800 to improve his high flying photography.

5. Even though we got the new Sony DSC N-1 for Christmas, Mister and I would combine our "Birthday Bucks" to buy a shared Nikon D50.

6. Lastly, that we would return said Birthday Nikon D50 and buy a Nikon D70 for our birthday and part Christmas present!
So can you believe it? A happy, happy Pro Flickr Account and a new Nikon D70 outfit? Yay! Joy of Joys! Thank you a million times Miss Korallin! I am absolutely thrilled and delighted!
The photos above were taken with the D50. The D70 is taking me a little bit longer to get used to. I am halfway through a book on Digital Photography and I look forward to learning as much as I can. If you have any Photography or the D70 tips I would absolutely love to hear them!
I am working to catch up now (although cuddly kittens [who turned 1 year old yesterday] are trying to lull me into a nap) and I look forward to spending some quality time with you all! xox=vv.

Sep 4, 2006

One Day Closer To Thirty.

I am not really sure that I want to mention today's significance, but all the same I guess I have. I have not ever really feared my birthday. This year is different. We had a wonderful time at Bumbershoot, surrounded by cute and quirky young twenty-somethings. Now, I realize that I like being in my twenties. I am not sure that I am ready for my thirties. It does not seem old at all (quite the opposite) it just feels different and that is scary. So I guess now that I am in the last year of my twenties (29) I should really enjoy it. Maybe I can try to figure out exactly what the idea of my twenties mean to me and what I am afraid to lose in my thirties. And then, I should really try to enjoy it while I can.

In other news, my mom picked out this picture from my sketchbook and picked the all colors to add. I thought she did a good job and so I decided I would share this with you. I have more to tell you about/show you from Bumbershoot. Today we gooco'd and I will have pictures from that to share also. In the meantime I am thinking of you all. I can not wait to catch up with you next week. Hugs to you! xox=vv.