Apr 8, 2006

Do Not Mourn This Ending For We Shall Carry On.

Well, today’s red, pink or purple entries marked the sad end of our week long friend The Daily Color Project. I am seriously going to miss all of the photos. They were really incredible and very inspiring.

The Random Panty Color Generator and I had a long discussion about where we will go from here. I am not feeling ready to move on and her tears made it all to obvious that she is not ready either. I think we always had an sneaking suspicion that this project would last longer for us. I hoarded my color photos only allowing myself to really share one with you per day. She was very cautious with her colors (I mean did you see “Turquoise” for goodness sakes? That’s crazy cautious!!) We wanted to take it slow with this project. We did not want to move to fast. We liked this project a lot at first, but we quickly grew to secretly love it. Then we became a bit obsessed with it as we considered photographing our own blood for it’s red, pink or purple day. Now that it is leaving us we are not taking the separation very well. There were a lot of tears, hysterical tears. There were some hurtful words. There was even perhaps some begging and leg clutching. Alas it has gone without us and because we are not ready to move on this site will be a shrine to it’s glory until we can.

*All of your sweet comments were saved to Haloscan at the time of original post*

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