Nov 10, 2006


Oooh hello again lovelies!! Are you having a nice evening? I know that I posted mere moments ago, but then I switched over to the newer version of Blogger and I felt that I should test it out.

Etsy will also be upgrading this weekend and should have a new format on Monday. I think it will even address the issue of "combined shipping." Yay! I am hoping to have a few little goodies ready around the time of the new Etsy.

I am thinking of you all! Please keep your fingers crossed that all of these changes go smoothly! Thanks and Hugs! xox=vv.


Kuky said...

Ooooooh LABELS!!

Kuky said...

I mean umm that Blogger has categories :-D

Dawn said...

hi! hi! it's been awhile since i said hi! have i said it enough yet? okay, really i'm not going to say hi again. ;) hehe.

i can't wait to see all the things you've been up to miss. my fingers are crossed :)

Janet said...

I haven't visited in waaaay too long! I love the things you have on here now. You have been quite a busy bee. I promise not to wait so long between visits.